Journal information

The scientific and practical journal "Vestnik of Brest State Technical University" is included in the list of scientific publications of the Republic recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus for publishing the results of dissertations; publishes scientific materials from specialists in the field of civil and environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, geoecology and economics.

All articles in the journal "Vestnik of Brest State Technical University" are published in open access format with free full-text access to all articles.

Publication of articles is free, all scientific articles are carefully selected and undergo mandatory double-blind peer review.

Frequency – 3 times a year, No. 1 and No. 2 – in Russian, No. 3 – in English.

The journal accepts materials in Belarusian, Russian, English, Polish, and German.

Circulation – 100 copies.

Each article has a title, full name and affiliation of the author, abstract, keywords, bibliography and the text of the article completely in the main selected language: Belarusian, Russian, Polish, German and translation of the title, surname and initials, annotation, keywords into English; bibliography – translit. If the main language of the work is English, then the title, last name and initials, abstract, keywords are translated into Russian accordingly.

All journal issues and articles starting from 2020 are assigned the International Digital Object Identifier – DOI 10.36773.

The printed version of the journal "Vestnik of Brest State Technical University" was assigned the International Standard Serial Number – ISSN 1818-1112.

The journal is registered by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus – registration certificate of the periodical No. 144 dated March 25, 2009.


Electronic versions of the journal are posted article by article on the Open Journal Systems platform, as well as in the electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. The journal is indexed in WorldCat, OpenAire, Google Academy, IndexCopernicus included ICI World of Journals and indexed ICI Journals Master List. All numbers, without exception, are posted in the Repository of the Brest State Technical University.

Subscription indexes: 00551 (individual), 005512 (departmental).

To be published in 2024:

issue No. 1 – March 15, No. 2 – July 19, No. 3 (in English) – November 22.

To be published in 2025:

issue No. 1 – March 17, No. 2 – July 21, No. 3 (in English) – November 25.

The journal is aimed at professors, teachers, researchers, graduate students, undergraduates and students of higher education institutions.