
  • Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich Volchak Brest State Technical University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8838-797X
  • Petr Vladimirovich Shvedovsky Brest State Technical University
  • Leonid Vladimirovich Obrazcov Brest State Technical University
  • Lyudmila Gennadievna Sryvkina Brest State Technical University
  • Alena Ivanovna Kisel Brest State Technical University




modeling, strategy, region, water environment, water management activities, river basin, water consumers


The methodology for constructing mathematical models to select the optimal strategy for water protection activity in the regions and for water consumers is considered. At the same time, the water environment is considered as a whole with all technical, environmental, economic and other problems associated with it.

Particular attention is paid to linking and optimizing investments in water protection measures with maximizing the growth rates of the regional economy in the conditions of a given dynamics of water pollution at the planned growth rates of the economy.

An analysis of mathematical models of the optimal strategy for water protection activities at the level of water consumer warnings is also given.

Author Biographies

Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich Volchak, Brest State Technical University

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Environmental Engineering of the Brest State Technical University, Brest, Republic of Belarus.

Petr Vladimirovich Shvedovsky, Brest State Technical University

Ph.D in Engineering, Professor, Professor of the Department of Geotechnics and Transport Communications, Brest State Technical University, Brest, Republic of Belarus.

Leonid Vladimirovich Obrazcov, Brest State Technical University

Ph.D in Engineering, Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Department of Economics of Construction and Organization of Building Works, Brest State Technical University, Brest, Republic of Belarus.

Lyudmila Gennadievna Sryvkina, Brest State Technical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics of Construction and Organization of Building Works, Brest State Technical University, Brest, Republic of Belarus.

Alena Ivanovna Kisel, Brest State Technical University

Ph.D in Engineering, Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Department of World Economy, Marketing, Investments, Brest State Technical University, Brest, Republic of Belarus.



2023-03-24 — Updated on 2023-04-06


How to Cite

Volchak, A. A.; Shvedovsky, P. V.; Obrazcov, L. V.; Sryvkina, L. G.; Kisel, A. I. OPTIMAL STRATEGY FOR WATER PROTECTION ACTIVITY IN REGIONS. Вестник БрГТУ 2023, 122-124.

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