history of architecture and urban planning, Western Belarus, review of sources, «Architecture and construction»Abstract
The development of the professional architectural environment in the Second Polish Republic during the 1920 s – 1930 s took place in the context of active promotion of the latest achievements of the world and, subsequently, their own experience in architectural and urban planning
theory and practice. This experience has been included in dozens of different publications that have become primary sources in the study of architecture and urban development in both the Second Polish Republic and Western Belarus. The article examines periodicals, reports of state-owned organizations, archival materials containing information about the studied objects on the territory of Western Belarus in 1921–1939. The most significant publications are described – the magazine «Architecture and Construction», reports of the Ministry of Public Works and the Military Housing Fund. The key periodicals for the study are the journals «Architektura i budownictwo» and «Dom, Osiedle, Mieszkanie». A special place is occupied by reports on housing construction – «Budowa domów dla urzędników państwowych w wojewódstwach wschodnich», «Budowa pomieszczeń dla korpusu ochrony pogranicza i domów dla urzędników państwowych w województwach wschod nich», «Domy mieszkalne Funduszu Kwaterunku Wojskowego», «Sprawozdanie Funduszu Kwaterunku Wojskowego 1927–1937». A significant array of primary sources on the topic of research is located in the State Archives of the Brest Region. Most of the described sources are remotely accessible (digital libraries of universities, digitized archival materials) and are accessible through online resources indicated in the text of the article.
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