
  • Наталья Владимировна Бочарова УО «Брестский государственный технический университет»
  • Валерий Иванович Игнатюк УО «Брестский государственный технический университет»
  • А. А. Никитина УО «Брестский государственный технический университет»


double-hinged circular arches, now loads distributed according to a parabolic dependence, internal forces, displacements, deformed appearance


The article considers the problem of calculating and investigating double-hinged circular arches of constant cross-section loaded with snow loads distributed according to a parabolic dependence. Expressions of internal forces in an arbitrary section of the system (bending moments, transverse and longitudinal forces) and expressions for determining vertical, horizontal and total displacements of sections are obtained.

The derivation of dependencies for forces is performed using the method of calculating statically indeterminate systems – the method of forces, and to determine displacements, the Mohr formula is used, which takes into account all force factors arising in the system.

The method and algorithm of calculation in the MathCad environment have been developed. The numerical implementation of the calculation of a double-hinged arch in the software complexes Lira, Sad, and SolidWorks has been performed.

When preparing a specialist in the construction industry for the course of structural mechanics, goals and objectives are set: mastering the theoretical foundations and applied methods for calculating the stress-strain state (VAT) of structures and structures, forming students' knowledge and skills to perform calculations of structures for strength, rigidity and stability, including using computer tools. Therefore, it is already relevant now, in parallel with obtaining basic knowledge of structural mechanics, to give direction to modern approaches to solving such problems in software complexes, but only as a test of the solution obtained. The number of software complexes widely known, little known and just appeared puts users in front of the question of how to quickly, accurately and reliably solve the problem, which software tool to use and how to evaluate the result.



How to Cite

Бочарова, Н. В., Игнатюк, В. И., & Никитина, А. А. (2024). ON THE CALCULATIONS OF DOUBLE-HINGED CIRCULAR ARCHES. Promising Trends of Innovative Development and Personnel Training, 2(Часть 2), 248–255. Retrieved from https://journal.bstu.by/index.php/ptid/article/view/1201